Saturday, August 12, 2017


Voices. We've all got at least one (our own) that takes up residence in our minds. I am never shocked by someone telling me they hear someone other than their own Jiminy Cricket.

From a very young age, I have been surrounded by evangelical, mostly charismatic Christians. They taught me to hear an important voice: God's voice. The guiding voice of his Holy Spirit. I've also been taught about the evil voices. The crafty imposter who disguises himself as an angel
of light to steal, kill, and destroy.

I have also become well-acquainted with mental illness throughout my life. My own, and that of those I love. Those frantic, manic, anxiety-ridden voices that seem an old comfort, but like any bad habit, they are no friend to the hearer.

Finally, the voices of my audience. Friends and family and counsel and writers and radio show experts. All with their opinions, their advice, their solutions packaged in love and good intentions. Oh, these voices that I, one middle-ish child of 9 in a blended family, have gicen so much priority to. These voices that I think of without even knowing. When a big decision is presented to me: "But what will my sister say?" When my choice is unorthodox, "Will my mother approve?" When I sought advice, but my gut told me to go the other way (the gut, another voice with a strong opinion), "Will my best friend be irritated that I didn't heed her wisdom?"

It is one thing to be considerate of others. The book of Proverbs is riddled with instruction to seek wise counsel. A multitude of counselors, in fact. However, when I am governed so offend by what voices will say or what their own inner voice will merely think I feel like a rat in a cage (hats off to you Smashing Pumpkins--I totally get it). I am exhausted!!! Enough people pleasing. Enough spinning plates to make decisions based on others' agendas for my life.

The Lord, in his gentle and patient grace reminded me on a long drive home that I am to please only Him. Man, that simplified it all for me. An elementary principle? Yes. Of course. But when it traveled from my head to my heart and sort of clicked, I could feel the stress melt away.

Friends, family, therapists, we are so blessed to have them. But they are humans with an outside view of a life with so many behind the scenes moments. Their voices should never take the seat higher than our Heavenly Father's who not only has a front row seat to our inner and outer lives but cares more than any loved one ever could.

The devil, his workers, our own self talk or those unhealthy voices that confuse us and rob us and spin us like a top. Silence them. Get help if you need to. The voices we listen to should lead us into life and freedom (even if it's hard). If they are choking you, it's time to quiet them.

Our audience of One, who loves us deeply, truly, and without end. Follow His voice. He promises to lead us in the way we should go and He can always be trusted.

The end.

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